Australia Medicinal Cannabis Pharmacy
On 11 July 2017, the Australian government granted Sydney-based The Hydroponics Company (THC) approval to cultivate and produce medical cannabis strains for research and future production. This medicinal cannabis research licence allows THC to grow a number of marijuana strains for their ability to treat “different ailments [...] ranging from pain relief, epilepsy, arthritis, and a large number of other common ailments.” THC seeks to run their trials through an accelerated process, and are confident their product could be released as a prescription medicine as early as 2018. Their medical marijuana will only be available through doctor’s prescription and will be fully compliant with the Drug Control Office’s regulations.
Australia Medicinal Cannabis Pharmacy
On 1 November 2016, Australia rescheduled medicinal cannabis to a Controlled Drug in the Poisons Standards. The schedule went down, making medicinal cannabis a Schedule 8 Controlled Drug from a Schedule 9 Prohibited Substance.
The responsibility for granting qualifying patients access to medicinal cannabis products falls on the Australian Government and will be determined on the basis of certain medical conditions in which there is evidence that supports cannabis use. Rules and regulations concerning medicinal cannabis will vary from Australian state/territory, which has the potential to affect the access of cannabis in those jurisdictions.
“Medicinal cannabis products” is a term meant to describe a wide range of cannabis products that are intended for therapeutic use. This includes oils, tinctures, extracts and other pharmaceutical cannabis preparations.
In order to manage medicinal cannabis products, Australia’s Commonwealth Department of Health will regulate through the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and the Office of Drug Control (ODC).
In order to ensure high quality medicinal cannabis products, the Therapeutic Goods Administration will regulate manufacturing procedures. Additionally, the TGA will assess the quality, safety, and efficiency of medicinal cannabis products before entering the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG), and, in certain circumstances, provides access to medicinal cannabis products that have not been approved for use. The TGA has influence in the scheduling of medicines like medicinal cannabis.
How to get a Australian medicinal cannabis cultivation and production license and permit:
In order to lawfully cultivate cannabis for medicinal purposes, an organization must obtain a medicinal cannabis or cannabis research license. Once they have a license, they must then obtain a medicinal cannabis or cannabis research permit. Both license and permit must be granted by the Office of Drug Control (ODC).
An ODC license legally allows for an organization or person to cultivate and/or produce cannabis for medicinal purposes, or for associated research purposes. A license will have the conditions in which any and all cannabis will be cultivated and produced, although a license alone does not allow one to begin cultivation. The ODC grants (1) medicinal cannabis licenses, covering either cultivation and production for supplies for human medicinal use, and (2) cannabis research cultivation license.
A permit is needed along with a license for an organization or individual to lawfully cultivate or produce cannabis. A permit outlines (1) the type of cannabis plants allowed to cultivate, (2) in what amount they can be cultivated/produced, (3) the timeframe that authorized cultivation and production activities can take place, (4) the specific manufacturer or researcher that is the next party in the supply chain.
How to become a sponsor or manufacturer of Australian medicinal cannabis products:
All persons or companies in Australia that provide unapproved medicinal cannabis products to medical practitioners are considered the sponsor of that product. If the medicinal cannabis product is sourced from overseas, the sponsor may also be the importer.
The Therapeutic Goods Act (The Act) has an outline of the legal responsibilities of sponsors, which is as follows:
Adhere to all applicable standards concerning medicinal cannabis put forth by the Therapeutic Goods Order.
If a sponsor is importing the medicinal cannabis product, they are not legally allowed to supply the product until it has received all relevant approvals, authorizations, or exemptions.
Not following the standards set forth may result in civil and criminal penalties.
Service Locations:
As the access of medicinal cannabis products continues to develop, the accessibility from state and territories will vary. Patients, doctors, and sponsors should investigate the legislation in their jurisdiction in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane in the Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, and Queensland territories.
Location Information:
Australia, or Commonwealth of Australia, is both a country and continent that is comprised of the mainland of Australia, the island of Tasmania, and various other small islands. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world and is known for ranking high in quality of life, education, economic freedom, civil liberties, and health. At the end of the 18th century, the first British Settlement had initially claimed the Australian land to use as a penal transportation to their colony of New South Wales. Over the following decades, the population grew and in 1901 the six colonies that were formed came together to create Commonwealth of Australia. They established a liberal democratic political system that stands to this day.
Updated 7/11/2017: Australian government grants approval to a Sydney-based company to cultivate and produce medical cannabis for research and future production.