DELIVERY NOW AVAILABLE! We delivery to Davis, Dixon, Winters, Vacaville, Sacramento and West Sac and most other areas surrounding Davis!
Please note: TAXES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN PRICES LISTED on Weedmaps. As you place your order on our website, the total with tax will be shown. We can accept cash and debit transactions for delivery.
Ordering Details
-Go to our website and click "Place an Order" to begin.
-Orders must be a minimum of $50 before tax
-The total cost of all deliveries includes a $5 delivery fee.
-Orders are accepted anytime.
-Overnight orders will be filled once we open everyday.
-Any orders placed by 6pm will have same day delivery.
-Orders placed after 6pm may have same day delivery or may be pushed to the following day.
-Deliveries start between 10-11am everyday.
-You will be contacted by our drivers with an estimated delivery time shortly after your order is packed.
SPECIALS (while supplies lasts):
Buy four $6 prerolls and get the 5th for just the tax.*
1/8ths for $20 Out the Door.
10% Off any Ounce of Flower.
*Plus Tax.
Davis Cannabis Collective is a cannabis dispensary and delivery located in Davis, CA. We are open to recreational and medical users.
First time customers receive 10% off of their order!
Ask us about our First Time, Senior or Veteran discounts!
We have a REWARDS program that gives you money back! Your REWARDS dollars never expire and you can use them anytime.