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Delta 8 Cartridge 1000mg Solar Flare Lemonade

Delta 8 Cartridge 1000mg Solar Flare Lemonade

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CAUTION: This is not CBD. Keep out of reach ofchildren. This product is intended for use by healthyadults age 21 years and over. Consult a healthcareprofessional prior to use of delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol(Delta-8 THC). Delta-8 THC may be harmful if you arepregnant, nursing, taking any medication or have amedical condition. Discontinue use immediately ifadverse reaction occurs and consult your physician.The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluatedthis product for safety or efficacy. There is no currentstandardized Delta-8 THC methodology for verifyingcontent. We make available our product testing reportson our website and by scanning the QR code on thepackaging. Our Delta-8 THC serving size potenciesare determined by a laboratory. Test results may varyby laboratory or test method. This product contains lessthan 0.3% total delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-9THC). Drug tests vary in sensitivity, and you may testpositive for Delta-9 THC when taking Delta-8 THCproducts. Natural color variations may occur. Amount ofmg / Delta-8 THC may vary by piece and by package.May cause drowsiness. Do not drive or operate heavymachinery while taking Delta-8 THC. Delta-8 THCmay cause paranoia & anxiety.


Product Price : - $19.99


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