Infamous for his experience working alongside Pablo Escobar during the 1980’s, Uncle Danny, more commonly known to his friends as Don Pablo, transitioned from one industry to another. Over the last 40 years, he has perfected his artistry for farming classic strains and is recognized in the underground as one of British Columbia’s most experienced and premium growers.
Don Pablo’s full run premium classic nugs combined with Venom Extract’s 10 years experience, produces a product that when extracted and cooked to its purest and most potent potential, creates a work of art that could only be deserving of the name Walter White.
So who am I?
Although I know what it feels like to shine in the spotlight, I prefer to wear the veil of anonymity. It has given me the opportunity to make moves that go unnoticed. I am the man behind the curtain. The man who created Walter White Shatter. You know who I am… you all know exactly who I am.