Calorie-free, odorless, and flavorless, Ripple Dissolvable THC/CBD is water-soluble cannabinoid powder that can be used to make any food or beverage an edible - from protein shakes and salad dressings, to soups, tacos, and more - with no unpleasant oil slicks or unwelcome “grassy” flavors.
Each individual packet of Ripple Relief contains 10mg of CBD isolate and 0.5mg THC distillate.
CBD is a fantastic wellness supplement and exercise enhancer. With Ripple Relief 20:1, you can now make anything a high-CBD edible. Ever wanted your cold-pressed juice to be infused with CBD? How about your sports beverage? Your recovery smoothie? Ripple Relief 20:1 joins our Ripple Balanced 5 and Ripple Pure 10 options so every recreational user can have the dose that's right for them.