Materia Medica Extractions

Verified Brand
Gorilla Tsunami Cartridge
Vape Pens

Gorilla Tsunami Cartridge

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Our Gorilla Tsunami is created using CO2 extraction and contains no Glycol, Glycerin, MCT or any other non-cannabis additives. Our extracts are also 100% Diacetyl free. We produce and use cannabis derived, strain specific, full Terpene profiles for natural flavor and whole plant benefits. This is a live product and should not be exposed to heat before use.

Gorilla Tsunami is a cross between Gorilla Glue #4 and Sour Tsunami. This strain is 35% THC and 14% CBD, making it excellent for pain and inflammation relief. Its a sativa-dominant hybrid which will relax the body while still providing motivation and energy to get things done.