Dirty Arm Farm

Verified Brand
Sublingual Dropz, Balanced 1:1

Sublingual Dropz, Balanced 1:1

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Dirty Arm Farm Sublingual Dropz are unique in that they contain the potency in one drop that most products contain in one dropper full of product. We use raw organic hemp seed oil with our potent cup winning cannabis concentrate to make a cannabis in cannabis solution.
We then add a slight amount of organic mint oil to give the body a refreshing taste association that relief is on the way and freshen your breath at the same time! As well, the mint acts as a vasodialator to open the blood vessels and allow more intake of the medicine.
By putting the dropz under the tounge the dropz bypass the digestion system to directly enter the bloodstream and the effect is felt quickly (within 2-4 minutes usually) opposed to one to two hours with a typical medible ingestion.