7 Points Oregon

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Tangerine Power

Tangerine Power

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Lineage: Agent Orange x Blue Power

Structure: Stout, uniform flowers covered with rigid trichomes. Has subtle, almost unnoticeable hairs, and displays a wide spectrum of colors. One may find flowers with an orange, golden tint or bright green to violet purple.

Aroma: Reminiscent of an orange creamsicle, Tangerine Power gives off the unmistakable scent of sweet oranges, mixed with a unique sandalwood earthiness and cream.

Taste: A smooth and flavorful inhale with a taste of orange bitters and vanilla bean. The exhale finishes with a surprisingly full citrus flavor, giving note to its Agent Orange ancestry.

Effect: The effect of this cultivar comes on quickly with a full body stone that may induce "couch lock". Recommended for evening to night use as it provides a deep sense of relaxation that is great for pain relief or insomnia.