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What Are The Most Energetic Cannabis Strains?

What Are The Most Energetic Cannabis Strains?

September 17, 2021

Cannabis can produce a variety of effects. On one side of the coin, you have… Euphoria and a tremendous sense of well-being. Creativity and mind-expanding thought. A highly relaxed, “in da couch” feeling of calm. And the dreamy sensation of quickly approaching slumber.

While on the other side of the coin, you have… The sense you’re powered up on high-test jet fuel. The concentration to plow through tasks, from the detailed to the mundane, with relentless focus. And the urge to socialize, chat, and generally connect with fellow humans.

So, what factor decides where your mood lands? It all comes down to the strain.

Raising the question: Which cannabis strains can “juice up” your day (or night or both)? Well, if an upbeat and energic feel is your aim, has a shortlist of dynamic strains to get you hoppin’…

Green Crack

Eager to get motivated? Green Crack is like a stimulus bomb that will have off and running to proverbial races. This potent Sativa strain is brimming with THC and produces effects guaranteed to get your juices flowing and your heart racing. And just a word of friendly warning, this is NOT a good strain for those prone to pot-induced paranoia.

Durban Poison

Energy level warning? Eyes feeling heavy-lidded? Need a push to power through an urgent task that was due yesterday? This Sativa strain, high in THCV (tetrahydrocannabivarin), has been called the “espresso” of cannabis, thanks to its fast-acting energy boost.

Sour Diesel

The perfect daytime compliment, this is your go-to stain when facing a loooooooong to-do list. A powerhouse Sativa, this fast-acting and highly energetic strain hits your head and powers your body. Plus, it’s oozing with THC, boasting levels as high as 25%.


Sometimes more than energy, what you really need is FOCUS. And this intensely cerebral strain provides a brain boost that keeps your concentration laser-sharp. A Sativa cross between Chocolate Thai and Cannalope Haze, Chocolpe is often known as the “motivation strain.”

Super Silver Haze

Long-lasting and energetic, this Sativa strain keeps your mind focused while relaxing your nerves. High THC levels give Super Silver Haze a potent punch. But it’s never overwhelming, making it the perfect choice when you’re stressed out over managing a heavy workload.

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