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The Rise of Live Resin: A Fresh Take on Cannabis Concentrates

The Rise of Live Resin: A Fresh Take on Cannabis Concentrates

May 21, 2024

Live resin has quickly become a favorite among cannabis enthusiasts for its rich flavor and potent effects. This premium concentrate is celebrated for preserving the full spectrum of the plant's cannabinoids and terpenes, offering a more vibrant and aromatic experience compared to other extracts.

What is Live Resin?

Live resin is a type of cannabis concentrate made from freshly harvested plants that are flash-frozen to preserve their terpene profile and cannabinoids. This process involves freezing the plant material immediately after harvest, before any drying or curing occurs. By doing so, live resin maintains the plant’s original aroma, flavor, and potency more effectively than traditional extraction methods.

The production of live resin focuses on capturing the plant's trichomes, which are the resin glands where cannabinoids and terpenes are produced. Trichomes are highly sensitive to temperature and handling; thus, freezing them prevents degradation and loss of these valuable compounds. The result is a concentrate that offers a richer, more complex sensory experience compared to those derived from dried and cured cannabis.

In terms of appearance, live resin often has a more viscous and sticky texture compared to other concentrates. It can range in color from a golden hue to a deep amber, depending on the strain and extraction method used. The consistency can vary from a thick sap to a more granular "sugar" form, reflecting its fresh, high-terpene content.

Live resin’s elevated terpene levels not only enhance flavor and aroma but also contribute to the entourage effect, a phenomenon where cannabinoids and terpenes work synergistically to amplify the therapeutic benefits of cannabis. This makes live resin particularly appealing to medical cannabis users seeking maximum relief from symptoms.

Overall, live resin stands out in the crowded field of cannabis concentrates for its commitment to preserving the natural essence of the cannabis plant, offering consumers a more authentic and potent experience.

A Brief History of Live Resin

The development of live resin is attributed to the early 2010s, with a pioneering effort in Colorado by cannabis cultivators and extractors, particularly William “Kind Bill” Fenger and Emotek Labs. Their collaboration aimed to address the common issue of terpene loss that occurs during the drying and curing process of cannabis. By experimenting with flash-freezing freshly harvested plants, they discovered a way to preserve the plant’s full terpene and cannabinoid profile, resulting in a more aromatic and flavorful concentrate.

The breakthrough came when "Kind Bill" realized that traditional extraction methods, which used dried and cured plant material, were not capturing the true essence of the cannabis plant. By utilizing cryogenic freezing immediately post-harvest, they could maintain the integrity of the delicate terpenes, which are often lost due to the volatility and sensitivity to heat during the drying process.

Emotek Labs played a crucial role in refining the extraction technology, developing specialized equipment that could handle the flash-frozen plant material. This partnership led to the first batches of live resin, which quickly gained attention for their superior quality and robust flavor profiles.

Live resin’s initial popularity spread rapidly through the cannabis community, with early adopters praising its enhanced sensory experience. The method caught on, and soon, other extractors and cannabis brands began producing their own versions, leading to a wider variety of live resin products on the market.

As the legal cannabis industry expanded, especially in states like Colorado, California, and Washington, live resin cemented its status as a premium product. Its development marked a significant innovation in cannabis extraction technology, setting new standards for quality and consumer expectations. Today, live resin remains a testament to the ingenuity and forward-thinking nature of the cannabis industry, continuously pushing the boundaries to deliver a better product.

How to Use Live Resin

Live resin can be consumed in various ways, offering versatility to both novice and seasoned cannabis users. Here are some popular methods:


Equipment Needed: A dab rig, torch, dab tool, and carb cap.

Method: Heat the nail or banger of your dab rig with a torch until it reaches the desired temperature (typically between 315-450°F to preserve terpenes). Use the dab tool to place a small amount of live resin onto the heated surface, then inhale the vapor through the rig. The carb cap is used to cover the nail or banger, helping to regulate airflow and maximize vaporization.

Experience: This method delivers a powerful, immediate effect and is favored for its ability to showcase the full flavor and potency of live resin.


Equipment Needed: A vaporizer compatible with concentrates.

Method: Load the live resin into the vaporizer’s concentrate chamber, following the device’s specific instructions. Set the vaporizer to an appropriate temperature to avoid burning the terpenes, typically around 315-400°F.

Experience: Vaping is a convenient and portable option, offering a smooth and flavorful experience with less harshness on the lungs compared to dabbing.

Adding to Flower

Method: Enhance the potency and flavor of your cannabis flower by adding small amounts of live resin. You can sprinkle it on top of a bowl in a pipe or bong, or mix it into a joint or blunt.

Experience: This method is ideal for those who enjoy the ritual of smoking flower but want to boost its effects and enhance the terpene profile.


Method: Infuse live resin into butter or oil to create homemade edibles. Since terpenes and cannabinoids can degrade at high temperatures, it’s crucial to use a low and slow cooking process to preserve their benefits.

Experience: Edibles provide a long-lasting and potent effect, though the onset is slower compared to inhalation methods. This method is suitable for those seeking a discreet and convenient way to consume live resin.


Method: Mix live resin with a carrier oil or lotion to create a topical product. Apply directly to the skin for localized relief.

Experience: Topicals are great for targeting specific areas of pain or inflammation without producing psychoactive effects.

Live resin’s versatility in consumption methods makes it an attractive option for a wide range of cannabis users. Whether you prefer the immediate effects of dabbing or the sustained relief of edibles, live resin offers a potent and flavorful way to enjoy cannabis.

How to Make Live Resin: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating live resin requires specialized equipment and a careful process. Here's how it's done:

Harvest the Plant:

Select cannabis plants at their peak potency and maturity for the best results. Harvest the plants with care, ensuring minimal damage to the trichomes.


Immediately after harvesting, freeze the plant material using a cryogenic freezer or dry ice. This rapid freezing process is crucial to preserving the delicate terpenes and cannabinoids, as it prevents degradation and loss of potency.


Utilize a closed-loop extraction system and a solvent such as butane or propane. Load the frozen plant material into the extraction vessel and introduce the solvent, which extracts the cannabinoids and terpenes from the trichomes.


After extraction, purge the solvent from the extract using a vacuum oven. This step involves applying heat and vacuum pressure to remove any residual solvents while preserving the integrity of the terpenes. Careful temperature control is essential to prevent degradation of the extract.


Once the purging process is complete, collect the live resin extract. It typically has a viscous, sap-like consistency and may range in color from light amber to deep gold, depending on the strain and extraction method.


Transfer the live resin into airtight, light-resistant containers such as glass jars. Proper packaging helps to preserve the freshness, flavor, and potency of the extract over time.

Quality Control:

Test the final product for potency, purity, and terpene content using laboratory testing methods. Quality control ensures that the live resin meets safety standards and provides a consistent and enjoyable experience for consumers.

Creating live resin requires skill, precision, and attention to detail to produce a high-quality product. By following these steps carefully and using the right equipment, extractors can capture the full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes from freshly harvested cannabis plants, resulting in a premium concentrate prized for its exceptional flavor and potency.

Storing Live Resin

Proper storage is crucial to maintain the quality of live resin and ensure it remains fresh and potent over time. Here are some tips for storing live resin:

Temperature: Store live resin in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Exposure to high temperatures can cause the terpenes and cannabinoids to degrade, affecting the flavor and potency of the extract. Ideally, aim for storage temperatures below 70°F (21°C) to preserve the integrity of the concentrate.

Containers: Use airtight, non-reactive containers such as glass jars or silicone containers to store live resin. These containers help prevent exposure to oxygen, moisture, and contaminants, which can degrade the quality of the extract over time. Avoid storing live resin in plastic containers, as they may leach chemicals and affect the taste of the concentrate.

Avoid Light and Air: Light and air can accelerate the degradation of cannabinoids and terpenes in live resin. Choose opaque containers that block out light and minimize air exposure to maintain the freshness and potency of the extract. Additionally, consider using nitrogen-sealed packaging or vacuum-sealed containers for long-term storage to further protect the integrity of the concentrate.

Refrigeration: While not always necessary, refrigeration can help prolong the shelf life of live resin, especially in warmer climates. However, it's essential to ensure that the container is airtight to prevent condensation from forming inside, which can introduce moisture and lead to mold growth. Allow the live resin to come to room temperature before opening the container to avoid moisture contamination.

Avoid Freezing: While freezing live resin may seem like a good way to extend its shelf life, it can actually cause the trichomes to become brittle and break off, affecting the texture and potency of the extract. Instead, store live resin at consistent, cool temperatures to preserve its quality without risking damage to the cannabinoids and terpenes.

By following these storage guidelines, you can ensure that your live resin remains fresh, flavorful, and potent for an extended period, allowing you to enjoy the full benefits of this premium cannabis concentrate.

Live Resin vs. Other Concentrates

Live resin distinguishes itself from other cannabis concentrates through its unique production process and resulting characteristics:

Terpene Preservation: Live resin boasts a higher concentration of terpenes compared to concentrates made from dried and cured cannabis. The flash-freezing method used during extraction preserves the delicate terpenes, resulting in a more robust and aromatic profile that closely resembles the original plant's flavor and aroma.

Flavor and Aroma: The enhanced terpene content in live resin contributes to its rich and complex flavor profile, offering a more authentic and flavorful experience compared to other concentrates. Users often report a more nuanced taste and aroma that reflects the unique characteristics of the strain used.

Potency: While live resin may not always have the highest cannabinoid potency compared to other concentrates like distillate or wax, its full-spectrum nature means it contains a broader range of cannabinoids and terpenes. This can lead to a more balanced and holistic effect, known as the entourage effect, where the various compounds work synergistically to enhance the overall experience.

Freshness: Live resin captures the essence of the cannabis plant at its peak freshness, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes. This results in a concentrate that offers a more vibrant and potent experience, reminiscent of consuming freshly harvested cannabis.

Production Process: The production of live resin involves specialized equipment and techniques to flash-freeze freshly harvested cannabis plants immediately after harvest. This differs from other concentrates, which typically use dried and cured plant material. The emphasis on preserving the plant's natural terpene profile sets live resin apart as a premium product favored by discerning cannabis consumers.

In summary, live resin stands out among cannabis concentrates for its unparalleled flavor, aroma, and full-spectrum effects. While other concentrates may offer higher cannabinoid potency, live resin provides a more authentic and dynamic cannabis experience that captures the essence of the plant in its freshest form.

Live resin represents a significant advancement in cannabis concentrates, providing a superior product for those seeking the full flavor and potency of the cannabis plant. Whether you’re a seasoned connoisseur or new to the world of concentrates, live resin offers a fresh and exciting way to enjoy cannabis.

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