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The Easiest Way to Grow Your Own Weed

The Easiest Way to Grow Your Own Weed

April 19, 2023

With a growing number of states legalizing adult-use recreational cannabis, buying weed is easier than ever. But legalization is also driving up cannabis prices. Legal cannabis growers and distributors are saddled with scores of licensing fees, surcharges, and taxes, all of which they pass on to consumers. And that’s before excise taxes (a “vice” tax added to items like cigarettes, alcohol + cannabis), which the states tack on to every cannabis purchase.

In turn, cannabis prices have skyrocketed, leaving many consumers shocked at what the register rings up when they check out at their local dispensary.

So, what, if anything, can frugal cannabis consumers do to cut down on weed costs? The good news is many states that have legalized cannabis also allow individuals to grow a limited number of cannabis plants (strictly for personal use).

Unfortunately, if you do even a cursory bit of research on growing your own cannabis, all the knowledge and equipment required can make your head spin.  In fact, at, we hear from many folks eager to grow their own weed but equally bewildered by the process.

But if you’re aiming to grow a couple of cannabis plants that yield enough weed for your consumption, you can actually do so with a very basic setup. Here’s a step-by-guide:

A Few Caveats to Start

For the purposes of this guide, we’re going to assume that you either live in an apartment or aren’t looking to turn your yard into a marijuana farm. We’re also going to assume that you don’t want to buy grow lights or a blackout tent, nor do you have a “spare” closet you can use as a dark room.

So, you’ll be growing your cannabis plant in a platter pot and placing it on a windowsill or balcony.

With these housekeep items out of the way, let’s move to supplies:


There are specialized containers, like “smart pots” and “air pots” that experienced growers recommend.

But truth be told, a traditional plastic gallon or half gallon plastic or clay pot – available at hardware stores or Home Depot – will get the job done.


While a range of specialized soils are available, nothing extravagant is required. The typical potting soil found at a garden supply or nursery will suffice.


To help your cannabis plant flourish, it’s wise to supplement your plan with additional nutrients. There are specialized pre-packaged cannabis nutrient solutions, but you can get general-purpose fertilizers from garden supply stores. Just make sure it includes a mix of the following:

  • Nitrogen
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Sulfur


Of course, to grow cannabis, you need seeds! But some strains are easier to grow than others. And when cultivating cannabis with a minimal setup, it’s best to start with seeds that produce a strong yield irrespective of their growing conditions.

Along the easiest strains to grow are some classic favorites, including:

  • Blue Dream
  • Northern Lights
  • Harlequin
  • Grandaddy Purple
  • White Widow

Proper Light

Again, we assume you’re relying on sunlight shining on a windowsill or balcony to grow your plants.

And while this is adequate to grow a couple of personal-use plants, it’s still important to understand your plants’ grow stages and how light cycles impact each stage.

Cannabis plants have two growth stages, Vegetative + Flowering.

The vegetative stage is when the seedling sprouts and develops into a full-grown plant. This period lasts about 4-6 weeks. And ideally, you want your plant to grow as full, thick, and green as possible before it moves to the flowering stage.

Generally speaking, cannabis plants thrive best when they receive roughly 10 to 12 hours of direct sunlight daily. But in a home-growing situation, this may not be possible. Fortunately, cannabis plants can survive and flower with no more than 1 to 2 hours of daily sunlight. Understandably, less light will lower the plant’s yield.

The flowering stage is when the buds emerge and eventually reach full bloom. This stage lasts 6 to 10 weeks, and the recommendation for your plant during this stage is 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of complete darkness.

Again, this may not be possible, depending on the circumstances. But the best you can do is give your plant a consistent period of light and darkness each day. Even streetlights and lights inside your home can disrupt your plants’ growth cycle, reducing or even wiping out their yield. As such, it may be worth putting the plant in a closet or cabinet at night to ensure it remains undisturbed.

Ready to Start Growing?

If you can follow these reasonably straightforward instructions, you should be able to grow a couple of decent-yielding cannabis plants in 3-4 months.

And once you’ve harvested your first buds, you can repeat the process (using the same plants), and you may never need to buy weed again!

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