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Meet The Beed Automated Joint Rolling Machine

Meet The Beed Automated Joint Rolling Machine

May 06, 2022

We’re always on the lookout for cool, novel, and unique cannabis-related products here at

And a new item that officially hit the market on May 1st has seriously piqued our interest!

It’s called Beed, and many are billing it as the “Nespresso of Weed.” For those unfamiliar with Nespresso, it’s a pod-based home espresso maker.

Similar to the Keurig, another pod-based coffee maker, you put a proprietary, prepackaged coffee cartridge (a “pod”) into the Nespresso machine, press a button, and voila – you’ve got an instant espresso!

So, the Beed works the same way… Put a proprietary, prepackaged cannabis cartridge (a “pod”) and custom rolling papers into the Beed machine, press a button, and a perfectly rolled joint instantly pops out!

Now, we probably don’t have to emphasize how incredible this machine is. The basic premise pretty much sells itself.

But the Beed is not without its drawbacks. So, just to cover all the bases, here’s a quick rundown of the Beed’s pros + cons.

Pro: Super Easy

All too often, new tech tools can be tough to use. Even those claiming to be “simple.” In part, the iPhone reached the top of the smartphone heap because Apple promoted it as “intuitive” and “user-friendly.” Meanwhile, there are millions of websites filled with “how to use your iPhone” tutorials.

Not so with the Beed. It’s as simple as simple can get… There’s a single button on top. Press it once to open the loading slot and put the cannabis pod and rolling papers. Then press the button to close the slot and roll your joint. And that’s it, you’re done.

Pro: The Height of Convenience

There’s no measuring, weighing, eyeballing, cutting, working the rolling papers, or any of that tedious nonsense. Just buy pods and rolling papers, load ‘em into your Beed, and you’re ready to roll (pun intended).

Con: It’s Pricy

The Beed currently lists for $299. Yup, that’s $300 for what amounts to a fancy joint roller. You can buy a manual joint roller for less than $10. And you can roll your own for free.

It's a pretty tough expenditure to justify in terms of return on investment.

Con: You’re Locked Into Using Proprietary Cannabis Pods + Rolling Papers

Similar to the latest Nespresso model, the Verturo, the only way to use the Beed machine is with proprietary Beed pods. And currently, Beed only offers six options…

  • Be High
  • Be Relaxed
  • Be Social
  • Be Active
  • Be Productive
  • Be Better

If you’re a fan of a particular strain or a pal gifts you something special, you’re back to rolling joints the old-fashioned way.

Now, like Keurig and older model Nespresso, third-party manufacturers may eventually make “Beed compatible pods.” But for the time being, you’re stuck with the six strains Beed has on offer.

Is The Beed a Good Buy?

Let’s put it this way. More than a “good buy,” the Beed is a cool buy. You don’t need one. And, of course, you can comfortably consume cannabis without one.

But how cool will you look the next time your bros drop by and you whip up a fistful of joints with your automated joint roller?

In short, pretty cool!

Interested in Cost-Effective Cannabis Convenience?

Like the idea of convenience but not eager to invest in a $300 Beed joint roller? Then you should consider using a cannabis delivery service.

Both medical marijuana delivery services and recreation cannabis delivery services can ferry all of your favorite strains right to your front door. Just place an order online, and the driver will drop buds at your home shortly.

To find a local provider, search online for “weed delivery near me.”

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