Consistent cannabis consumers are well aware product prices are not only high, but they just keep rising.
Of course, this is prompting a lot of folks to wonder about lower-cost alternatives. Here at, we recently published a How to Save Money on Cannabis guide.
And one of the top suggestions in that guide was: Grow your own cannabis! But as appealing as this suggestion may be financially speaking, it’s not the most straightforward option.
Because while your local dispensary isn’t cheap, at least you don’t have to turn your apartment or house into a Pop-Up cannabis farm.
Ultimately, it’s a question of Pros and Cons. Does the cost savings behind the “grow your own” effort outweigh the convenience factor of buy from your local dispensary?
To help you better answer this query, the team put together a list highlighting the benefits and drawbacks of growing your own weed…
Pro #1: Cost Savings
The cost to set up your own cannabis grow rig ranges from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand. It all depends on how fancy of a setup you’re looking for.
If you go with a basic setup, you’ll make back your initial investment in a just a few months. But that said, even if you go for a top-of-the-line, $2,000 grow rig, you’ll recoup your investment in less than two years if you have a $100 or more monthly habit.
Pro#2: Quality Assurance
While most legalized cannabis states have fairly strict quality control measures, the legal cannabis industry is still very new. In other words, a bit of a Wild West situation in terms of regulation enforcement.
Certainly, many cannabis companies are credible organizations producing reliable products. But for the average consumer, it’s still tough to know who’s who or what’s what in a burgeoning market like the cannabis industry.
But when you grow your own weed, you know EXACTLY what you’re getting.
Pro #3: Plenty of Product
According to the folks at the cannabis advocacy website Monroe Boulevard, a single cannabis plant can produce about 5 ounces of weed if properly cultivated.
And once you cultivate a cannabis plant to maturity, you can “re-veg” (grow another harvest from an existing plant) that plant every 3 to 6 weeks.