Hello CalCannabis Cultivation Licensing Stakeholders:
The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) released the proposed regulations today for the appellations of origin for cannabis. The release of these regulations marks the official start of a 45-day public comment period provided under California law. All interested parties are encouraged to submit comments about the proposed regulations.
An appellation of origin is a protected designation that identifies the geographical origin of a product and how that product was produced. CDFA’s Cannabis Appellations Program will promote regional cannabis products and local businesses, prevent the misrepresentation of a cannabis product’s origin, and support consumer confidence about a cannabis product’s origin and characteristics.
Per Business and Professions Code Section 26063(b), CDFA is required to develop the process by which state-licensed cannabis cultivators may establish appellations of origin by January 1, 2021. CDFA proposes amendments to Chapter 1, and adoption of Chapter 2, within Title 3 of the California Code of Regulations, to develop the process for establishing cannabis appellations of origin and provide additional clarification on the use of county of origin