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What’s Better, Vaping or Smoking Cannabis?

What’s Better, Vaping or Smoking Cannabis?

June 07, 2022

What’s Better, Vaping or Smoking Cannabis?

When it comes to cannabis consumption, smoking and vaping rank as the two most common methods.

This fact brings up the question: What are the REAL differences between smoking cannabis flower and inhaling cannabis vapor?

And it’s a question we get all the time here at A clear indication it’s worth comparing the pros and cons of smoking and vaping.

What Constitutes “Smoking Cannabis Flower?”

To ensure we’re all on the same page, let’s outline how smoking cannabis flower works, practically speaking…

You inhale the smoke of torched cannabis flower, drawing it into your lungs. The cannabinoids in that smoke are absorbed into your bloodstream through the capillaries in your lungs.

Now that we’re clear on the process let’s look at the pros of smoking cannabis flower.

The Pros of Smoking Cannabis Flower

The effects are typically immediate – You should feel the impact quickly, usually no more than two or three minutes.

It’s convenient – No special equipment is required, just weed, a smoking receptacle (which can be as simple as an apple or an empty soda can), and a lighter.

The effects typically last 2 – 3 hours – It’s long enough to enjoy the effects, but not so long that you’re left wondering: “Am I gonna be high forever!?”

The Cons of Smoking Cannabis Flower

Torching cannabis wastes its active ingredients – Burning up cannabis flower actually destroys valuable cannabinoid content and lessens the impact of terpenes.

Smoking (of any kind) is bad for your health – It releases tar and carcinogenic material into your lungs and smoking heavily for an extended period can contribute to cancer, heart disease, various respiratory ailments, and other chronic health problems.

It’s difficult to conceal – Smoker cannabis flower is typically a pretty obvious activity. The strong, skunky aroma is impossible to miss.

What Constitutes “Vaping Cannabis?”

Just as we defined the practical terms of smoking cannabis flower, let’s do the same with vaping cannabis oil…

Vape is short for “vaporizer,” a device that heats cannabis concentrate, turning it into vapor you inhale into your lungs.

The Pros of Vaping Cannabis

Vaping heats cannabis without torching it – When you inhale cannabis vapor, you’re intaking the full volume of cannabinoid and terpene content instead of the charred byproduct of torched cannabis flower.

Vaping is more discrete – Most vape pens are small and innocuous, and cannabis vapor is far less pungent than the smoke from torched cannabis flower.

Vaping is healthier (mostly) – No question inhaling vapor is better for your lungs than sucking down smoke from charred cannabis flower. There are few incidences of respiratory issues associated with vaping. And vaping does not release tar or the same volume of potentially carcinogenic material into your lungs. But this doesn’t tell the whole story (which we’ll revisit in the Cons section).

The Cons of Vaping Cannabis

Vaping is less convenient – While vape pens are simple to use and very discrete, vaping requires a lot more “paraphernalia.” You need a vape pen, and depending on the concentrate you’re using, you may need a proprietary vape pen. You need concentrate, usually sold in prepackage cartridges. And you need a power source to charge your vape pen.

The “high” is typically milder – Most cannabis users report that vaping effects feel different from smoking, and many note the impact is less pronounced. If you’re aiming for a gentler experience, this could be a plus. But if you’re looking for the “full effects,” vaping is likely to feel more muted.

Vaping could be bad for your health in the long term – Ultimately, vaping is still a relatively new practice. And there is little research or data on the long-term impact of vaping. But it’s known that certain vape products contain various additives, including toxic metals and microscopic particles, all of which can irritate your lungs and potentially cause cancer.

So, What’s The Better Choice?

As if often the case with “either-or” questions, the answer is… It depends. Understandably, this is unsatisfying. But it’s an honest assessment, nevertheless.

If discretion is a concern and you’re worried about the impact of smoking on your health, vaping is your best bet.

But if the ease and convenience of smoking cannabis flower and the reliability of an intense high are more important to you, smoking cannabis flower is a better option.

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To find a local provider, just search online for: “weed delivery near me,” and you’ll find plenty of options.

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