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CBD and COVID-19: Potential Treatment for Lung Inflammation

CBD and COVID-19: Potential Treatment for Lung Inflammation

July 20, 2020

Cannabis may be able to cure coronavirus after all. Researchers today are exploring the possibility that the cannabis plant can be used to treat COVID-19. Experts at the University of Nebraska are suggesting scientists look into the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD to treat the lung inflammation caused by COVID-19. 

Many patients suffering from COVID have been known to experience what is called a “cytokine storm”. Cytokines are peptides that cause inflammation in order to fight off infections, and when the body overreacts and releases too many, a “cytokine storm” forms that could potentially lead to organ failures and death. However, in past research, CBD has been shown to reduce the production of cytokines, making it a potential candidate to help treat COVID-19 and its effects.

For Further Reading and Source:

CBS News


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