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February 02, 2022

Medical marijuana is legal in many states in U.S. Many of them have also made recreational marijuana legal too. Depending on the state you are in, you can only buy medical marijuana or recreational marijuana or both. FDA has approved medical marijuana for Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut-syndrome. These are two rare forms of epilepsy. 

But medical marijuana is also used for other types of treatment for minor or not so serious diseases like pain management. CBD in medical marijuana offers a wide range of benefits. 

Even though medical marijuana is legal, first-time users may have a few questions regarding buying. There are a few commonly asked questions pertaining to medical marijuana that can help you make an informed decision. Check out these most frequently asked questions about medical marijuana:

1. What is Medical Marijuana?

Medical marijuana is a cannabis product that is used for medical treatment. It is same as recreational marijuana but used for medical purposes. Usually, the medical cannabis is high in CBD, a chemical compound found naturally in the plant. It doesn’t cause high like THC, another chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. 

CBD has been known for its medical properties, especially as a pain relief agent. It is widely used for pain relief benefits by people who suffer from chronic pain due to conditions like arthritis. It is also used for treating mild depression, although that’s purely anecdotal. Many use marijuana products for mental health improvement like relaxation, reducing anxiety or improving focus. People looking to buy it can look for medical marijuana dispensary near me

2. Medical Marijuana Uses and Purposes

So far, FDA has approved medical marijuana for two medical conditions - Dravet syndrome and Lennox- Gastaut-syndrome. But research is being conducted on benefits of cannabis on a wide range of medical conditions, such as:

  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Appetite loss
  • Cancer
  • Crohn's disease
  • Eating disorders such as anorexia
  • Epilepsy
  • Glaucoma
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Muscle spasms
  • Nausea
  • Pain
  • Seizures
  • Wasting syndrome (cachexia)

These are some of the medical conditions that can be helped with medical marijuana. But there is no solid proof of their effects. The only evidence of medical benefits of marijuana has been found in its pain reduction abilities. This is something that people have been claiming for a long time. And studies have also proved it. 

3. How to use Medical Marijuana

You can use medical marijuana the same way you use it for recreational purposes. You may find CBD pill sand capsules. But many prefer taking it via smoking, eating or sublingually. You can choose from a wide range of options to consume medical marijuana. For instance, you can smoke it by rolling a joint or using a vaping or dabbing device. You can also buy edibles like CBD gummies or chocolate. You can use tincture for using it sublingually. You can also use tropical products like lotions and creams to apply directly to your skin. Look for medical marijuana dispensaries near me to find the best store to buy your medical cannabis. 

4. How to Buy Medical Marijuana?

To buy medical marijuana products, you will need a written recommendation or prescription from a doctor. Not all doctors are willing to do it, so you have to get a written prescription or get a medical marijuana card made. After that, you have to look for a medical marijuana dispensary near me. After you find the right store to buy cannabis, make sure you have all the things you need to visit the store. Here are the things you will need to visit a medical marijuana dispensary near you:

  • Written recommendation from a doctor
  • Get a Medical marijuana card made (depending on the state you live in)
  • Identification card to verify your age
  • Your medical condition should qualify for medical marijuana use
  • Make sure that weed is legal in the state you currently live in
  • Look for medical conditions that come under medical marijuana treatment as it varies from state to state.

It is important that you go fully prepared when visiting a cannabis dispensary. 

The Bottom Line 

These are the four most important things you need to remember when buying a medical marijuana product. Look for a reliable medical marijuana dispensary near me to find the right one. Always choose a licensed dispensary for buying your cannabis products. 

If you are looking for medical marijuana dispensaries near me, Cannawayz can help you find the right one. You can easily locate a dispensary near you for buying medical marijuana on our website. We are a free platform where we bring together cannabis users and the cannabis industry in one place. You will also find information on cannabis, its uses, benefits, products and more. More importantly, we make finding the best marijuana dispensary easy and effortless. 

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